
The infrastructure of a college plays a vital role in the development of the college as the students are now focusing on the labs, classrooms, etc. while selecting a college. It is important that the colleges have very good infrastructure with advanced laboratories equipped with state of the art equipment etc. Only then the students can get hands on experience with the latest technologies. Computing resources are one of the important and mandatory needs of a college. our college is now equipped with latest computer products and internet connectivity.       

    In our computer department, computer are present in the campus and systems are present in total. the working time of the labs .The computers are running all latest software products with necessary licenses so that all features of the product can be used by the students. The software support the academic work of the students along with bringing out their extracurricular activities. Additional resources such as printers, wireless internet connectivity for use in laptops is also provided by the college. The wireless internet connectivity works well in all the locations of the college including class rooms, canteens, seminar halls, garden, etc. So that the students can access internet anywhere anytime to get updated about the latest happenings around the world.

Smart classrooms are getting popular now-a-days and our college also have an eye over the technology so that the students are benefited. Equipment such as computers, cameras, printers, projectors etc. are accessible for students The bandwidth of the college is able to handle maximum number of requests . So the infrastructure of the college plays an important role in selection of the college.