Principal Message

’’गायन्ति देवाः किलगीत कानि, धन्यास्तु ते भारत भूमि भागे।
स्वर्गापि वर्गास्वद हे-तुर्भूते, भविन्त भूयाः पुरूषा सुरस्वात्।।’’

                                   According to this verse of Vishnu Puran, Gods  sing that those who are born  in paradise and undivided India are more fortunate than even gods. India is a distinct nation in the entire world and  Chhattisgarh is the heart of India. Government Gajanand Agrawal Postgraduate College, Bhatapara, has the privilege of being one of the leading colleges of Chhattisgarh. A historical and glorious institution In the field of higher education,  the college  has been marching forward on the path of progress since its inception.  Established on 4th September 1964 by Bhatapara Education Board, with the sincere efforts of zealous and dedicated personalities of higher education, this college has completed the golden journey of 50 years. Such pioneers of the city include Shri Ram Narayan Shukla, Shri Balbhadra Prasad Shukla, Shri Balram Bhai, Shri Radheshyam Purohit,  Shri Thakur Parmeshwar Singh, Shri Rampratap Chandak,  Shri Mata Deen Agrawal, Shri Gajanand Agarwal, Dr.L. Jeevanmal, Shri Gulabchand Agarwal, Shri Shiv Prasad Agrawal etc. with whose prodigious efforts the college building  came to the fore. In this series, the contribution of many donors of the city like Gyarsi Lal Agarwal, Haji Noor Mohammad, Mohammad Yakub is also invaluable. This college is the first affiliated college of Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur, therefore, Dr. Baburam Saxena, the first Vice Chancellor of the university, called it the first adopted son of the university.
On 01 January 1975, this private college got the status of government college as a consequence of the courtesy of the government of  Madhya Pradesh. Science stream in the college started  in the year 1982. In 2007, the college got the recognition of the postgraduate college. The present infrastructure of the college includes about 21.38 acres of land, three buildings for academic purpose, a library building, girls’ hostel and a large sports complex having the capacity of 450 seats
Costing approx 4.35 crores. Construction of auditorium is also completed. At present, there is adequate arrangement for teaching-learning in three streams- Arts, Commerce and Science in the college. The college is running  postgraduate courses in eight subjects- Hindi, English, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Commerce, Chemistry and Mathematics. PGDCA is being run by Jan Bhagidari Samiti. Research centre in Hindi subject was established on  01 September 2013. Excellent academic  environment, notable examination results, obtaining research degrees and organizing national seminars  and participation in national & international seminars are noteworthy achievements of the college under the efficient mentorship of qualified and dedicated professors.
This college is registered in section 2(F) and 12(B) of the University Grants Commission. Girls hostel has been constructed at a cost of 80 lakhs and  sports complex at a cost of 70 lakhs with UGC fund.  14 additional rooms costing RS. 2.40 crores have been constructed with RUSA and state government fund.  Under the Eleventh Five Year Plan, an amount of Rs. 32,38,333 was received for the development of basic facilities. Various extracurricular activities are conducted in the college by sports, national service scheme, eco club, Red Cross and other committees leading to all around development of the personality of students. 

Dr. Anand Kumar Minj
(In-Charge Principal)
Government G. N. A. P.G. College, Bhatapara