Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Botany
Certificate Courses
Program Outcomes (PO):
1- Demonstrate and apply the fundamental knowledge of the basic principles of major fields of biology.
2- Apply knowledge to solve the issues related to plant science with the help of computer technology.
3- Apply knowledge the conservation of endemic and endangered paint species.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO):
1. Collaborate effectively on team-oriented projects in the field of life sciences.
2. Cominunicate scientific information in a clear and concise manner both orally and in writing
3. Explain Biodiversity, climate change and plant pathology.
4. Apply Biotechnology, Ecology, Genetics and Plant breeding techniques in plant sciences
5. Apply knowledge of Medicinal and Economic botany in day to day life.
6. Apply the knowledge to develop the sustainable and eco-friendly technology.
Key Details for Each Course-
B.Sc.Degree Courses
v Course Name
B.Sc. I Sem. (NEP)
B.Sc. II year
B.Sc. III year
v Prerequisites
v Course Learning Outcomes
· Understandthe diversity within the microbial world.
· Know the structure of viruses and differentiate theViroids and Prions.
· Understand the diseases of plants and animals.causedby viruses.
· Appreciate the use of microbes in food, agricultureand Industry.
· Understand the diversity of algae in structure,pigments and alternation of generations.
· Understand the classification of fungi their economicimportance.
· Understand the basic principles of Plant Pathology andcertain plant diseases
· Understand the diversity and classification ofBryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Understand the sporophyte evolutionin Bryophytes.
· Comprehend the knowledge an heterospory and how itleads to evolution of seed habit in Pteridophytes
· Know the evolation of stele in Pteridophytes.
· Understand the economic importance of Gymnosperms andof Identification differentiation
· Know the plant tissues, like simple and complex whichthey form the complete plant body.
· meristematic and permanent tissues in plants.
· Understandthe role of secondary growth in wood formation.
v Course Content-
BSc. I Sem. -
B.Sc. II year -
B.Sc. III year-